Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Aikaisemmat näyttelyt

Aussie Open 2006, Järvenpää
Sijoitus: 4/14
Arvostelu: Nice head. Straight in the front when standing. Light bones. Good top line . Nice moderate rearangulation. Good coat with a couple of dillutes spots. A little wide in the front. Good temperament.

Ryhmänäyttely 2.7.2006, Porvoo
Sijoitus: ERI, AVO3/PN3
Tuomari: Beata Putkevica, Latvia
Arvostelu: Feminine. Good bones. Feminine head. Enough pigmentation. Good length of body. Little ? loose in elbows. Good ribcage. Correct angulation behind. Good coat. Nice presentation. Needs more correct placement of ears.

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